
Waste & Society

Scholarship on waste and society includes research on the lives and work of informal recyclers, discussions of the legal geographies of waste, and analyses of environmental service provision in the Global South.

Selected Publications

Parizeau, K. (2024). The dangers of rationalizing temporary foreign worker programs as a solution to food waste. Geoforum, 148 (103911).

Parizeau, K. (2023). ‘Our faces change, but it’s always the same story’: Crises of Social Reproduction among Informal Recyclers in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Gender, Work & Organization, 30(6): 2069-2085.

Yu, I., Rechberger, H., Gutberlet, J., Istrate. I., Parizeau, K., Sanctuary, M., McQuillian, H., Dutra de Barcellos, M. (2022). Closing the waste gap. One Earth, 5(11): 1181-1184.

Vander Vennen, R. and Parizeau, K. (2023). Beyond Charity? Insights on the Upcycle Kitchen: A Food Rescue Work Integration Social Enterprise in Guelph, ON. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. [Vander Vennen, Parizeau, 2023 Accepted version]

Szöke, T., & Parizeau, K. (2019).  Community-based Public Art and Gentrification in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.   Geohumanities, 5 (1), 157-177. [Szöke, Parizeau, 2019 Accepted version]

Wittmer, J., & Parizeau, K. (2018).  Informal recyclers’ health inequities in Vancouver, BC.   New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 28 (2), 321-343.

Wittmer, J. & Parizeau, K. (2016). Surviving neoliberal urbanism: Informal recyclers’ geographies of survival in Vancouver, BC. Applied Geography, 66, 92-99.

Parizeau, K. (2016). Witnessing urban change: Insights from informal recyclers in Vancouver, BC. Urban Studies.

Parizeau, K. & Lepawsky, J. (2015). Legal orderings of waste in built spaces. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 7 (1). [Parizeau, Lepawsky, 2015 Accepted version]

Parizeau, K. (2015). When assets are vulnerabilities: An assessment of informal recyclers’ livelihood strategies in Buenos Aires, Argentina. World Development, 67, 161-173. [WD, 2015 Accepted version]

Parizeau, K. (2015). Re-representing the city: Waste and public space in Buenos Aires, Argentina in the late 2000s. Environment and Planning A, 47 (2), 284-299. [Parizeau, 2015 Accepted version]

Parizeau, K. (2015). Urban political ecologies of informal recyclers’ health in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Health & Place, 33, 67-74. [Parizeau (2), 2015 Accepted version]

Parizeau, K. (2013). Formalization beckons: A baseline of informal recycling work in Buenos Aires, 2007–2011. Environment and Urbanization, 25, 501-521.

Parizeau, K. (2011). Un estudio acerca de la salud de los cartoneros de Buenos Aires (A study of the health of Buenos Aires’ informal recyclers). Recicloscopio II: Miradas sobre recuperadores urbanos de residuos de América Latina (Recycloscope II: Perspectives on Urban Waste Recoverers in Latin America). Prometeo–UNL: Buenos Aires.

Parizeau, K., Maclaren, V., & Chanthy, L. (2008). Budget sheets and buy-in: Financing community-based waste management in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Environment and Urbanization, 20 (2), 445-463.

Parizeau, K., Maclaren, V., & Chanthy, L. (2006). Waste Characterization as an Element of Waste Management Planning: Lessons learned from a study in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 49 (2), 110-128. [Parizeau, Maclaren, Chanthy, 2006 Accepted version]

Parizeau, K. (2006). A world of trash. Alternatives Journal, 32 (1), 16-18.