The Guelph Food Waste Research Project, co-led by Dr. Kate Parizeau and Dr. Mike von Massow, investigates food waste across the value chain in Canada. Current research initiatives include studies of food waste at the household scale in Canada, case studies of food waste in different sectors of the food system, and the relationship between food waste and food security.
In 2016, we hosted a multi-stakeholder workshop (Ontario Food Waste Project) to identify food waste research priorities. Learn more here:
Arrell Food Institute podcast: The shocking stuff that shows up in our garbage
Selected Publications
Eckert, K. F., Agostinelli, J., Laila, A., Alexander, C., Parizeau, K., Von Massow, M., Duncan, A. M., Hesketh, K. D., Ma, D.W.L., Haines, J. (2025). Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary impact of “Supper Heroes”, a family-based sustainable diet intervention. Appetite, Volume 107849.
Bain, M., Soligo, D., van der Werf, P., Parizeau, K. (2024). The limitations of an informational campaign to reduce household food waste at the community scale. Cleaner Waste Systems, 9 (100167).
Laila, A., Gallant, M., Bain, M., Alexander, C., Reis, L., Welboren, A., von Massow, M., Parizeau, K., Walton, K., Ma, D.W.L., Haines, J. (2024) Household food waste intervention is feasible, acceptable, and effective. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 56(2): 110-117.
Alexander, C., Bain, M., Ikiz, E., Motta, K., St. Godard, J., Parizeau, K. (2023). Food and Organic Waste Diversion in Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Sectors: A Canadian Pilot Project. Cleaner Waste Systems, 6 (100120).
Laila, A., von Massow, M., Bain, M., Parizeau, K., & Haines, J. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 on food waste behaviour of families: Results from household waste composition audits. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 82(A),
Parizeau, K., von Massow, M., & Martin, R. (2021). Directly observing household food waste generation using composition audits in a Canadian municipality. Waste Management, 135, 229-233.
Carroll, N., Sadowski, A., Parizeau, K., von Massow, M., Wallace, A., Kira Jewell, David W.L. Ma, Andrea C. Buchholz, Alison M. Duncan, Brianne Chan, Jess Haines (2021). Food Skills: Associations with Diet Quality and Food Waste among Canadian Parents. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 53 (5), 371-379.
Parizeau, K. and von Massow, M. (2021). A systemic perspective on food waste and waste food, pp. 334-348. Critical Perspectives in Food Studies (3rd edition). Eds. Koç, M., Sumner, J., and Winson, A. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Parizeau, K. (2020). Household Food Waste, pp. 129-143. Routledge Handbook on Food Waste. Eds. Reynolds, C., Soma, T., Spring, C., and J. Lazell. Abingdon, UK: Earthscan from Routledge.
Carroll, N., Wallace, A., Jewell, K., Darlington, G., Ma, D., A. Duncan, K. Parizeau, M. von Massow, J. Haines. (2020). Association between diet quality and food waste in Canadian families: a cross-sectional study. Nutrition Journal, 19 (54).
Rondeau, S., Stricker, S., Kozachenko, C., & Parizeau, K. (2020). Understanding motivations for volunteering in food security and food upcycling projects. Social Sciences, 9 (3), 27.
Kinach, L., Parizeau, K., & Fraser, E. (2020). Do Food Donation Tax Credits for Farmers Address Food Loss / Waste and Food Insecurity? A case study from Ontario. Agriculture and Human Values, 37, 383–396.
Hodgins, K., & Parizeau, K. (2020). Farm-to-fork… and beyond? A call to incorporate food waste into food systems research. Food and Foodways, 28 (1), 43-60.
Van Bemmel, A., & Parizeau, K. (2020). Is it food or is it waste? The materiality and relational agency of food waste across the value chain. Journal of Cultural Economy, 13 (2), 207-220.
Millar, S., Parizeau, K., & Fraser, Evan D.G. (2020). The limitations of using wasted food to feed hungry people. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. [Millar, Parizeau, Fraser 2020 – Accepted version]
von Massow, M., Parizeau, K., Gallant, M., Wickson, M., Haines, J., David W.L. Ma, Angela Wallace, Nicholas Carroll, Alison Duncan (2019). Valuing the multiple impacts of household food waste. Frontiers in Nutrition, 6, 17.
DeLorenzo, A., Parizeau, K., & von Massow, M. (2019) Regulating Ontario’s Circular Economy Through Food Waste Legislation. Society and Business Review.
Fraser, C. & Parizeau, K. (2018). Waste management as foodwork: A feminist food studies approach to household food waste. Canadian Food Studies, 5 (1), 39-62.
Parizeau, K., von Massow, M., & Martin, R. (2015). Household-level dynamics of food waste production and related beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours in a municipality in Southwestern Ontario. Waste Management, 35, 207-217.