Contributions to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning include writing and service work on mental health and the academy (with Dr. Linda Peake and Dr. Beverley Mullings).
Listserv on mental health and geography.
Selected Publications
McMillan, R., Mitchell, C., & Parizeau, K. (2023). Chapter 18: Water, waste, and sanitation in cities, pp. 333-352. Urbanization in a Global Context (2nd edition). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Parizeau, K. (2022). Uneven Learning Landscapes Ahead: Instructor Perspectives on Undergraduate Student Mental Health. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 52(2), 67-80.
Parizeau, K. (2021). Teaching Critical Waste Studies in Higher Education, pp. 139-153. Routledge Handbook of Waste Studies. Eds. Gille, Z and Lepawsky, J. Abingdon, UK: Earthscan from Routledge.
Mullings, B., Parizeau, K., & Peake, L. (2021). Mental Health, Geography and the Academy. The American Association of Geographers International Encyclopaedia of Geography. Wiley.
Levac, L., Parizeau, K., Varghese, J., Morton, M., Jackson, E., L. Hawkins (2018). Towards a Framework for Building Community-University Resilience Research Agendas. Social Sciences, 7 (12).
Pacheco-Vega, R., & Parizeau, K. (2018). Doubly-engaged ethnography: Opportunities and challenges when working with vulnerable communities. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17 (1), 1-13.
Mitchell, C., Parizeau, K., & Maclaren, V. (2017). Chapter 24: Delivering and managing waste and sanitation services in cities. Urbanization in a Global Context. Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press
Parizeau, K., Shillington, L., Hawkins, R., Sultana, F., Mountz, A., Beverley Mullings, Linda Peake (2016). Breaking the silence: A feminist call to action. The Canadian Geographer, 60 (2), 192-204. [Parizeau et al. 2016 Accepted version]
Mullings, B., Peake, L., & Parizeau, K. (2016). Cultivating an ethic of wellness in Geography (Special Issue Introduction). The Canadian Geographer, 60 (2), 161-167.